1 Study the meanings of the new vocabulary items.

  Annunciation   the announcement of the Incarnation by the angel   Gabriel to the Virgin Mary
  give birth   bear a child
  be engaged to   having formally agreed to marry
  expect a baby   be pregnant
  empire   a number of countries controlled by a person or   government
  census   an official survey to count the number of people living   in a country
  stable   a building where domestic animals are kept
  Saviour   a person who saves someone from danger, a way of   referring to Jesus
  manger   an open container in a stable from which animals feed

2 Write the word or expression in the box next to their definitions.


the announcement of the Incarnation by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary
bear a child
having formally agreed to marry
be pregnant
a number of countries controlled by a person or government
an official survey to count the number of people living in a country
a building where domestic animals are kept
a person who saves someone from danger, a way of referring to Jesus
an open container in a stable from which animals feed