1 Study the meanings of the new vocabulary items.

  sibling   brother or sister
  fly the coop   grow old enough to move away from the parents’ home
  emotionally   connected with feelings
  be given a hand   get help
  issue   an important subject or problem
  share   divide something and give part of it to someone
  spoil   to pamper excessively, treat with extreme care and   kindness
  take care of   look after
  independent   not controlled by other people
  drawback to   disadvantage of
  hand-me-   downs   clothes which have been used and are given to you for   your use
  well-off   rich, having a lot of money
  bliss   complete happiness

2 Write the word or expression in the box next to their definitions.

brother or sister
grow old enough to move away from the parents' home
connected with feelings
get help
an important subject or problem
divide something and give part of it to someone
to pamper excessively, treat with extreme care and kindness
look after
not controlled by other people
disadvantage of
clothes which have been used and are given to you for your use
rich, having a lot of money
complete happiness